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Your roof is one of the key elements to keeping everyone in your home safe and comfortable.

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Icicles are some of the most beautiful creations of nature. An icicle is formed when dripping water freezes, forming a long tapered point. It’s common to see icicles on your car when it snows, off rocks, and off trees. However, when you see icicles on your gutters or roof, this is not a good thing.

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You never know what a Denver winter is going to bring. While we’ve had a few snowfalls this year, there have been prior winters where we got little to no snow until mid-spring. On the other hand, does anyone remember the blizzard of 97’? That was some serious snow that very few people planned for.

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Investing in a roof inspection is a cost-effective way to ensure your roof is working exactly as it should be.

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Making sure your roof is ready for the winter is one of the most important and beneficial things you can do as a homeowner or business owner living in Colorado.

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One of the characteristics that makes our roofing company in Denver so unique is our innovative and informative online platform. We developed this online platform to serve as a resource and source of communication for our clients in an effort to be transparent and more technologically advanced.

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The average Denver homeowner often forgets to prioritize their roof, which is why they might not even realize when they need to hire a professional roofer for their roof repairs.

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Locating a roof leak isn’t always easy.

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Here in Denver, we’re not strangers to inclement weather. In the Mile High city, we see all kinds of weather, from snow and rain to sunshine and hail. That means that our roofs have to put up with a lot, which can lead to frequent repairs and replacements in some cases.

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