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DOES YOUR ATTIC NEED VENTILATION? A home is more than just a place. It’s where memories are made and little moments are created. Those experiences are priceless - Paying for preventable home repairs is not. As a homeowner, you know there is a list of regular upkeep for your home.

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Here in Colorado where the sun shines on average over 300 days a year, solar panels are a great idea. They can save us money in the long run and are energy-efficient. But how does installing solar panels affect your roof? And are the benefits really what everyone says they are?

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Installing a new roof is a crucial piece of having a home that not only looks great but that also has full coverage from the crazy things that mother nature throws our way.

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All roofs might seem one and the same, no matter the building they’re on, but that’s simply not the case. There are some notable differences between the rooftops you see on commercial buildings and the ones you see on an everyday Denver home.

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A lot of the time, no matter what industry it is, companies and workers tend to get stuck in their ways and aren’t adaptable to modern changes — even if the changes are best for both themselves and, more importantly, their customers.

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There’s a lot to keep up on when you’re a new homeowner. Being a new homeowner opens you up to a whole host of new responsibilities, one of the biggest being taking care of your roof.

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There’s a lot to learn about taking care of a home as a new homeowner. Being a homeowner is a whole new ballgame.

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Understanding what causes roof leaks could help you prevent them or catch them early on. Every homeowner should understand what can cause roof leaks and how to spot them.

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Knowing what causes roof leaks could help you catch them early on. Roof leaks may seem like no big deal, but if you leave a roof leak unattended for too long, it can cause serious damage to your home.

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